Thursday, June 26, 2008

like messengers from another realm

My friend Kate shared this passage with me recently. I thought it was worthy of sharing. Thanks Kate.

"Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerge, [are] like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the are an expession in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves..." - Eckhart Tolle, "A New Earth"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

By the way....

All of Thallo's photos and work are original. No stock photos, no wire-service photos... all of our work and ideas grow from the minds and hands of Thallo. We're pretty happy about that.

-Bridal Bouquet, April 2008

Flowers you can taste.

One of our recent weddings at Suntree Country Club. The colors were juicy and everything smelled like summer. Enjoy.

Bridal Bouquet

Grouping of Personal Flowers
